How to Create Exciting and Effective Product Demonstrations

Exhibiting at a trade show gives you a great opportunity to demonstrate your products to potential customers, but how useful is an everyday, run-of-the-mill demo? Trade show attendees navigate through multiple exhibitors, so they always harbor high expectations, which is why you have to create an engaging demo that goes beyond the ordinary clichés. A well-designed demo will not only attract and engage your customers but also encourage them to follow up. Here are some ways in which you can do that:

  • Make it audience-specific

If you have been putting out the same demo at every trade show you attend, it is surely not doing you any favors. Because when you have the same demo for every group of audience, it means that the demo is not target-specific. The best demos are the ones that are specially created for specific events according to the expected crowd. They are usually more interesting and informative.

  • Address pain points

Focusing on pain points shows how your product is relevant for your potential customers. It is not always necessary that they will know their pain points. It is your responsibility to make them aware of it, and in the process, tell them how your product can help. You can find out the most common pain points simply by doing surveys in your current customer base or taking the help of your company’s sales team to contact them individually.

  • Tell a story about the product

Do you know why some ads or infomercials are so successful? It has less to do with the products and more with the story that they sell. When you give your audience a story about your product, it provides an imaginary scenario for your audience where they can picture themselves using your product. Then it becomes easier to make your final sales pitch.

  • Use technology

Technology is a godsend when it comes to product demos, especially when the product does not lend itself to a demo. Presentations, virtual reality, and even holographic projections can then be used to show the features and advantages of using your product(s).

  • End with a call-to-action

If you want to generate leads from the session, you need to tell your audience exactly what it is that they need to do. They should be told to get in touch with your sales team or connect with you on social media, and so on.

To make your demo more effective and fruitful, you need to attract more audience. Setting up an eye-catching booth is the best way to do that. Get custom modular displays in Toronto at Radiant Exhibits. They come with endless design combinations that can lend a distinctive appeal to your booth.